I’m not just protecting myself
Don’t get too close sis
I went to the mall to get some food essentials and got into a very bitter altercation with a stranger. It was my first time being out since the South African Lockdown was implemented. I was actually very shocked to see the number of people who were at the mall. The crowd was pretty big for citizens who are actually meant to be in quarantine in their homes. I made sure to keep my social distance from the crowd — in hindsight, I might have looked very dodge but nonetheless, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
I got into a line outside one of the supermarkets. The line was considerably long and the one-metre social distance marks that had been put into place by the supermarket could only go so far. So, this was before my part of the line could get to the marking. I stood minding my own business and after a while, I felt a presence behind me. I was concentrated on my phone yet I could still feel someone breathing behind me — I am not exaggerating. So much for social distancing.
At first, I was confused. I didn’t know what to say so I tried some suggestive advances for the lady to take note that she was too close. Obviously, those were null.
I then asked the lady to please keep her distance.
“Do I look like I have corona to you?”
Well… That one was an easy one because at this point anyone and everyone could be a carrier of this virus. The screaming and shouting lasted 10 minutes. Imagine. The entire mall at the end of the debacle had its eyes on us.
She just didn’t get it.
The virus has a higher chance of critically harming the elderly and I live with my grandmother. The slightest chance of me coming home with the virus might not harm me but it has the greatest chance in harming my grandmother. I am not just protecting myself.
I was dearly upset by the altercation, my aunt did not understand why I was giving someone so much power over my emotions with the frustrations that I had. Everything was so deep because I was not doing what I was doing just for myself, it was for my gran. That fight was for my gran.
It’s deep.