The starting point
You might think that this point is the day you’re born, or your first day at school or even work.
In my amateur years of living, I have found that those situations aren’t the situations that solely mark what we call the starting point. I am 3 months into my new job, I still haven’t started gym — I don’t know if I ever will. At this point of my life, nothing seems like the starting point of anything — except for this blog post. I have always wanted to write, but I am pathetic. I am pathetic at writing — don’t worry I am super human at other things trust me.
I tell stories in a magical way.
No one has ever told me that, but I have spoken it into existence. I am an amazing storyteller.
As you get excited for all the blog posts coming ahead I have a promise to myself to post at least twice a week. I am trying to form a habit here. As you read through my blog posts you will figure me out. By the poor grammar — I promise good spelling though, comma splices, repetitions, alliteration and all other amateur writer mistakes.
This is the starting point.